Tuesday, August 9, 2016

What should I be doing in skills block today?

Board Builders:
DE Builder Board - Chapter 3 Decimals

Jeopardy Games: 


1)If I need to work on any of my basic facts, I will log in to 
 Moby Max and choose Fact Fluency.

2) If I do not need help in anything, I will log in to

Moby Max  and spend 15 minutes on the Math program.

3) When I have finished Moby Max, I can do one of the following things for 15 minutes.

Math practice websites working on Chapter  skills

Math Links: Scroll down to find the topic that you are studying in Math

Science practice websites

Science Links: Scroll down to find the topic that you are studying in Science class.

 6) When I have finished with the math/science websites I can choose one of the following for the remaining time.

Brain Teasers
1)  Poptripica FunBrain
Explore, collect, and compete in a variety of games and brain teasers.
2)  SET, Quiddler, Five Crowns, Xactica Puzzles
Solve puzzles – posted daily from each of these great card games.  

 Kenken Number Puzzles

3)  http://www.nytimes.com/ref/crosswords/kenken.html
Test your puzzle acumen and improve your math skills at the same time.  

Connect Four

4)  http://www.mathsisfun.com/games/connect4.html
Play “Connect Four” online.

Kakuro and Sudoku Number Puzzles

5)   www.krazydad.com/puzzles

Solve free, printable puzzles from beginner to challenge levels.